Some people are lucky enough to come out of the womb knowing exactly what they want to do with their life. They are inexplicably drawn to their life's work. Their mission, their purpose is right there, pulling them in like a moth to a flame.
Must. Be. Nice.
What about those of use who wanted to do everything? We couldn't settle on one thing. We didn't quite know what our "purpose" was.
I am one of those people.
And then one day, years ago, I woke up in a cold, gray cubicle wondering how the I got there and how the hell I could possibly get out. This was not what I wanted from my life, it was not what I dreamed about. There had to be something more fulfilling.
I went from wanting to do everything to finding myself completely unfulfilled.
What happened?
I kept hearing about "Finding your Life Purpose", it sure sounded good but what exactly does that mean and how are we supposed to do it?
What I learned is our purpose is what we came here to do, and we find it by looking at what we are passionate about.
But I had no passions! At least not glaringly obvious ones.
If you feel a pull for something more, something different but you aren't sure what or how to get there, start by looking back on your life.
The dots are there, you just have to connect them.
What did you like to do as a child? How did you spend your time?
For me, I loved creating. Creating anything. I loved art, I loved playing make believe games, I enjoyed being outside with my friends. On the flip side, I enjoyed getting lost in books. Once I discovered the joy of reading, I was hooked.
I also loved gymnastics...anytime, anywhere and as often as possible.
As I look back at my childhood, I remember wanting to be a doctor. This is probably because I was accident prone and found myself in the ER quite a bit.
By elementary school my goals had changed slightly. I was certain that I would marry Shaun Cassidy and tour the world with him.
There came a time in junior high I thought I would be lawyer. My friend's dad told me I could probably be a paralegal because girls weren't lawyers...say what?
In ninth grade we were given an extensive career assessment. I was fascintated by this. Finally, a test worth taking! I looked forward to finally learning "what I should be when I grow up".
We took all kinds of tests, I was really into it. In the end we were going to get a full report of our strengths and weaknesses, ideal careers, and what would not be a good fit for us.
I anxiously waited to get the results.
Whah, whah, whah.....
Huge disappointment. It spit out nothing specific, nothing worthwhile. In fact almost every kid got the same exact report. "You would be suited to most careers, other than a doctor"....say what?
In hindsight, I was most intrigued by the assessment process and asking everyone about their results. I wanted to find out about people. I wanted to know what others wanted to do, what made them tick.
I didn't realize it at the time, but that was a big clue.
I ended up for no particular reason getting my bachelors degree in marketing and followed it up a couple of years later with a masters in counseling psychology.
I spent years as a Professional Counselor, but that didn't feel quite right either. There was always an underlying yearning for something more. A quiet pull....we all have it but often ignore it because what it is calling us to do may seem to difficult, too late, too hard, too (insert whatever excuse suits you).
As I look back at my life and what looks like random job changes, etc, I see a common thread weaving itself through it all. I like to help people solve their life problems.
I enjoy helping people create the life they crave.
So now I am a Life Coach and everything fits into place. It all makes sense. And if I'm honest, it's what I wanted to do all along. I just did not want to overcome the obstacles I envisioned it taking to get here. So I kept finding other things to do. I kept circling around the wagon, avoiding what made me uncomfortable.
Until I didn't. And everything changed for the better.
If you need help putting the pieces together to bring more joy into your life, it might be time to start figuring out what you crave and get to work creating it. I have a few spots open for new clients. Contact me today to discuss how to get started.
Oh, and I didn't get Shaun Cassidy but I did marry my own musician.